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Escape Full Crack [full Version]


About This Game Escape is a small 2D strategy game where you have to go through different rooms. Each rooms has a finish point and you need to manage to go to that point without dying. The game is quit simple, it can be finished very quickly depending on your jumping skills ! There are a total of 35 levels. All the levels are already unlocked and ready to be played. You can put your own favorite music as there is none in this game. Enjoy :) Please report any bug at this adress : 7aa9394dea Title: EscapeGenre: Free to Play, Indie, StrategyDeveloper:Stephane BottinPublisher:Stephane BottinRelease Date: 20 Apr, 2015 Escape Full Crack [full Version] Escape is a pretty fun survival horror game. Can be a litrle hard at times but I like that anyway. the most recent update has helped a lot as it now tells you where the collectables are located which for me at least made it a lot easier. Many little scares that I wasn't expecting! This game has a lot of potential and I can't wait to see how it progresses in the future!. Oh man, where to begin with THIS one? My three play attempts\/deaths thus far: Extremely minimal and mediocre graphics. A crappy-looking "note" that informs me that I have to find "10 golden skulls" before I can escape from, er...wherever I am (a very low-budget Camp Crystal Lake, far as I can tell). A quick-'n'-easy finding of the first golden skull, but alas...I can't walk through the open doorway due to some unmentioned white fog? A map, which is essentially useless since it doesn't even indicate where I am on it, or which direction I'm facing. A heartbeat sound-effect to indicate the killer is drawing near, and oh, look! It's Jason wearing his Sunday best (perhaps he has a wedding to attend shortly after murdering me). Get chased by Jason for a while through a fairly repetitive forest-y landscape (it looks like I can gradually outrun him, but it sure does take a while)! Eventually Jason catches up with me anyhoo, and...wait for it... Jason - who sure enough has no visible weapons in his hands (machetes are considered impolite at most weddings) - just runs circles around me for a brief spell before a big jumpscare image of a red-tinged BABY appears on screen, apparently signifying my death 'cause I'm suddenly back at the start. And you wanna know the worst thing about all of this? It WASN'T EVEN SCARY. Like, at all. At the very least, I was too busy being baffled to buy into the tension even one iota. As a huge fan of atmospheric games, I can honestly say that this game has virtually NO ATMOSPHERE to speak of. Oh, and I said THREE play attempts, right? Yeah, the other two played out much like this one. I never found one skull I could pick up, and frankly have no inclination to pursue this game long enough to achieve any such ambition (much less ten times over). I did, however, manage to come across what looked like a useable weapon - a slightly weird-looking SHOVEL, perhaps? - but refused to pick it up. Perhaps I didn't want to get Jason's suit messed up, given how much I knew that might upset the bride (most brides don't like blood at their weddings, so I'm told). Boy oh boy, devs like this sure are lucky I'm not the refunding type. Maybe I'll check this one out again later, if and when they change\/update it enough to call it a playable "game". In the meantime, if you're in the market for a completely baffling and decidedly D-grade single-player rendition of Dead by Daylight - a game that I was fairly underwhelmed by, to start with - then I suppose there's worse ways you could waste nine dollars. Probably. Theoretically. Maybe... Okay, there probably isn't. Oh, the indignities we reviewers must endure to get our reviews READ every once in a while (i.e. unless you're a reviewer or YouTuber looking to get in early, give this one a WIDE f*ckin' berth for now). Verdict: 3.5\/10.UPDATE: Okay, so I promised the devs I'd give this another go once some updates were implemented, and here we are five months later and...nothing much has changed. SOME improvements have been made - the map is a HUGE improvement over what it was - but there's still little to recommend here. I'll raise that Verdict by .5 to at least acknowledge that it's a SLIGHTLY better game now, and the devs seem to be semi-sincere in their efforts to please players. But, y'know...a turd is still a turd, even if you polish it slightly. Sorry, devs. Hopefully some lessons will be learned from this one, and the next game will be considerably better... Revised Verdict: 4\/10.(PS If you enjoyed this review, feel free to check out my two Curator pages: http:\/\/\/curator\/9284586-ReviewsJustfortheHELLofit\/http:\/\/\/curator\/10868048-Truly-Horrible-Horror-Games\/?appid=398210Cheers!). on level 9, the part after the spike jumps isnt possible. i do like your game though!. If you want to get upset... play this game. I dont say this for the reasons you would expect with this game. It isnt that the game itself is inherently difficult but instead that the physics dont match whats on your screen at all. The models dont interact on what you see. You are a box... so when you jump you would expect that if your corner is on top of a ledge that you would stop... but instead if you arent far enough on the ledge you seem to slide down a curved ramp thats hidden behind the ledge. Spikes. You would expect to touch them and die.. but on several occasions my box was in the spikes and i lived. other times i hadnt even hit the spikes yet and died. There is no feedback to dying, no sound, no music. Dont let the good looking lights fool you. This still needs some work.. For the little time ive put in the game it is def. a harder game but still fun, def. worth a shot for the price game looks good runs well thats all....... also very creepy and dark!!!


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